>At 06:15 6/17/98 -0400, wward wrote:
>>I'am trying to standardized my "From:" in my e-mail. To be more specific
>>I'am trying to use the name my ISP has assign me, which is different
>>than my user name. I tried to use the Pine mechanism, customize-header,
>>but when I went to send an e-mail it told me I couldn't cutomize "From".
>>My next solution is to use Sendmail mechanism, which I'am not looking
>>forward to, however, I've read that Pine will override. Is there anyway
>>I can change the "From:" on e-mail?
>Use Netscape mail. Or you could set the Reply-To in pine. Tht won't change
>what recipients see but it will chnange their mail client's reply behavior.

Your answer doesn't mean much if the person asking the question hasn't
installed the bloat that is X Windows. Yes, I have it installed and you may
have it installed, but his use of pine would seem to indicate that he's in
a text environment, and so a solution within that environment would be
better offered. :)

Not that I have all the answers either. :)


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