>>>I'am trying to standardized my "From:" in my e-mail. To be more specific
>>>I'am trying to use the name my ISP has assign me, which is different
>>>than my user name. I tried to use the Pine mechanism, customize-header,
>>>but when I went to send an e-mail it told me I couldn't cutomize "From".
>>>My next solution is to use Sendmail mechanism, which I'am not looking
>>>forward to, however, I've read that Pine will override. Is there anyway
>>>I can change the "From:" on e-mail?

I missed the original message, so I'm replying to this followup...

Anyways, to get Pine to let you change your "From" header, you have to
download the source to Pine, change a line in one of the config files,
and recompile.

Grab the SRPM, apply all the patches, and such, then edit the 
pine/osdep/os-lnx.h file.  Look for the ALLOW_CHANGING_FROM line and
set that.  There might be some other things in there you want to change,
that's up to you.  Save the file, and follow the instructions for
building (cd into the pine3.96 directory, run ./build lnx, if I
remember correctly).

That'll then allow you to change the "From" field by the procedures you
were following.


Mike Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Engineer - Prototype Development
GTE Government Systems - All opinions are mine, not GTE's.

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