On Mon, 22 Jun 1998, Patrick O'Neil wrote:
> connect to my ISP I use Usernet.  Thing is, when I start Netscape 
> it takes _forever_ to start.  I wait and wait, wondering if it is 
> ever is going to start (on occasion I have simply gone on to start 
> telnet and used remote pine) but then FINALLY after between 1 to 2 
> minutes, the navigator window/screen comes up.  If I open top and 

How much memory do you have? Navigator/communicator is slow to come up on
all platforms when memory is low :-(.  

Also look at your DNS configuration. Do a "nslookup" of some web site
(e.g. ftp.redhat.com) and see how long it takes. 

Eric Lee Green   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Executive Consultants
Systems Specialist               Educational Administration Solutions
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