On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Felix wrote:

>     Somehow, through documentation, installation procedures, powerful apps,
> GUI's or what-have-you, Linux needs to step beyond the "High end server OS" and
> "garage hobbyist" to appeal to the non-tinkerer types.  Only then can it really
> compete with Windows (if that's what Linux want's to do, that is.)

        This is the key point.  Linux is NOT in competition with anything
MS produces.  A Lamborgini is not in competition with a moped.  Yeah, they
both get you somewhere but it's a matter of what you can do with them.

        Actually, Linux is like a combination of a race car, semi-truck & a
bus.  But now we're getting way off topic.

"I do not fear computers.  I fear the lack of them."
                -- Isaac Asimov

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