> I've just re-joined this list after some time away, actually since RH6.0
> was released.
> I've been trying to install RH6.2 with some success; however 6.2 refuses
> 1. Recognize (or at least initialize) my NIC--just a plain ol' NE2000 PCI

I can't help you with this one since I am trying to figure out which driver
to use for my Netgear 350tx

> 2. Offer a screen resolution greater than 640X480

It is usually related to your monitor settings.  I changed the screen
refresh rate to about 45khz and 72hz.  I know my monitor can handle higher
but I decided to play it safe.  The 45khz could be wrong but it helps
prevent overclocking and at the same time allows me to have 1024 X 768.  It
sounds odd but it is alot to do with the programming in the installer.  If
refresh is not high enough it will not let me have any higher than 640X480
no matter what the color settings.  You can do a little tweaking but do not
go above your monitor capabilities.  Not only will your monitor will show
jagged lines, your monitor can burn up!  (Odd, how did my old NEC multisync
EGA with 9 pin plug with gender changer survived 640X480? 1280X1024?)  I
didn't know I was ruining my NEC until I read Linux guide.:0 **OOPS**

> Both of these issues worked beautifully with 6.0; no configuring on my
> part, just ran the standard install.
> Is this a known problem with 6.2?

>From my experience Yes and No.  Just needed a few cautious tweaks.  The
installer seems to assume you have a very high performance monitor or vice
versa.  It might work better if you have a brand monitor but With my Hitachi
CM620 which is on the list still did not list it correctly and I had to fix


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