Hello Edward,

> It will be interesting to see the results in your final publication.

well, same for us of course. However, this is the first time I approach this 
problem, so I welcome any advice.

> Especially considering that the relaxation data you observe is the
> average of two states experiencing different global tumbling (the two
> vectors intersect different parts of a single Brownian diffusion
> tensor), but the assumption is made that they only sample one.

the dimer is perfectly symmetric in solution, in the NMR time scale, as we 
observe only a single peak per residue

> Maybe
> you should perform a full analysis on one monomer, and then another
> full analysis on the second, and compare.

I am not sure that I understand your suggestion, as the two monomers are 
inextricably bound

> Are you sure there are no
> published theoretical treatments of such a situation?

I am aware of relaxation studies on homodimeric proteins, but I am also quite 
sure that the papers do not tackle the issue of the dimer and report the 
relaxation data as for a monomeric protein; again, any advice is welcome.

> As for the PyMOL or MOLMOL macros, I've had a look at the PDB file you
> attached to http://gna.org/support/?3110, and this might be difficult.
> Although both molecules are represented as different chains, the
> residue numbers are not reset between the A to B transition:
> """
> ATOM   2437  HE1 HIS A 147      14.544 -14.592  44.384  1.00142.09           H
> ATOM   2438  C   HIS A 147      15.448 -12.825  50.108  1.00142.09           C
> ATOM   2439  O   HIS A 147      16.622 -12.826  50.563  1.00142.09           O
> ATOM   2440  OXT HIS A 147      14.601 -13.730  50.336  1.00142.09           O
> TER    2441      HIS A 147
> ATOM   2442  N   MET B 148      34.965   4.924 102.588  1.00 83.68           N
> ATOM   2443  H   MET B 148      35.604   5.224 103.352  1.00 83.68           H
> ATOM   2444  CA  MET B 148      33.567   5.117 103.004  1.00 83.68           C
> """
> Do you have the ability to renumber residues?

of course I will look into your suggestion below.

I remain available for any advice you are able to provide. In the meantime, it 
does not hurt collecting a third field...
Best regards,

> This is rather simple
> in relax, though not so obvious as it plays directly with the relax
> data store object and uses Python programming:
> """
> # Create a data pipe.
> pipe.create('renumber', 'N-state')
> # Load the original PDB as two molecules.
> structure.read_pdb('BpUreE_apo_model_full.pdb')
> # Renumber all residues of the second molecule directly in the
> internal structural object.
> for i in range(len(cdp.structure.structural_data[0].mol[1].res_num)):
>    cdp.structure.structural_data[0].mol[1].res_num[i] -= 147
> # Write out the renumbered structure as a PDB file.
> structure.write_pdb('BpUreE_apo_renumbered.pdb', force=True)
> """
> If the residues are all the same, then the PyMOL or MOLMOL macros
> should apply to both structures.  I just had a look and the macros
> from the model-free analysis apply to residue numbers:
> http://www.nmr-relax.com/api/3.2/specific_analyses.model_free.pymol-pysrc.html#Pymol.classic_colour
> http://www.nmr-relax.com/api/3.2/specific_analyses.model_free.molmol-pysrc.html#Molmol.classic_colour
> Regards,
> Edward
> On 5 June 2014 23:32, Stefano Luciano Ciurli <stefano.ciu...@unibo.it> wrote:
>> Hi Edward,
>> I reached the end of the calculation of our protein dimer, and everything 
>> went smooth. We used two fields, and tomorrow I am about to start collecting 
>> the third field data. I wonder how to make it so that the molmol or pymol 
>> macros used to visualize the various parameters along the protein backbone 
>> can be twisted so that these are applied to both monomers instead of just 
>> one.
>> Cheers,
>> Stefano

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