Hi Edward,

> For dimers, unfortunately I don't have much advice I can give.  The
> only person who could we be the one who derives the correct
> theoretical treatment of dimers in the future.  You may have avoided
> the issue though if you have a perfectly symmetrical dimer.


> It won't give much, but the bond vectors orientations are different
> between two monomers.  The superimposition is not perfect.  But, as we
> have discussed before on the list, it will not do anything for the
> theoretical problem, if you indeed do have a problem.  It will only
> show you any small bond vector orientation artefacts.


> I am also unaware of any theoretical treatment.  If you deposit your
> dynamics data for your publication in the BMRB, via the relax export
> functions, then this might open a door to allow a theoretician in the
> future to use real data for solving this problem.

we will do so

> As for solving the
> problem now and you are 100% sure that this is not already solved,
> unless you would like to dive into quite complex theory, then there is
> nothing we can do.  You could make a 1 line comment about the
> deficiency in the manuscript, and make the statement that this is an
> unsolved problem.

we will do so

> Anyway, the perfect symmetry might mean that the diffusion tensor as
> seen in the reference frame of each monomer is identical, so that the
> bond vectors in each experience the same 5 global correlation times
> and hence the standard analysis will work perfectly.  If so, no
> special theory is required.

OK got it.

relax (http://www.nmr-relax.com)

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