El dijous, 22 de juny de 2023, a les 11:18:08 (CEST), Jonathan Riddell va 
> The distros don't want it

Nobody forces them to carry it, but FWIW 8% of all Arch users[*] have it 
installed, compared to 36% having dolphin installed. Seems a non negligible 
amount to me

> the authors don't want it

Authors stopped being authors long time ago so their opinion is not really 
worth a lot more than yours or mine.

> the Telepathy project
> is bitrotting and has had no part of it released in over 2 years.

You still haven't answered my question, does it not work? 
Does it have any particular security bug that will cause harm to the users? 
Because I don't understand why we should stop shipping things that users use.

And yes, i know that the fact that we stop shipping doesn't 100% mean that 
distros will stop shipping it, but we know it means it most probably will 


> Sometimes you just need to be like Elsa and say Let it Go
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0MK7qz13bU
> Jonathan

* That have enabled package stats

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