At 03:28 PM 04/02/08, you wrote:
>Well I know I will sound like an Idiot asking this 3 part Question, 
>But I have been called worse
>I have a 60 amp Astron with the Battery Back option that requires a 
>50 amp fuse on the Battery side.

Watch out for those BB series Astrons.  The charger is just a
resistor across one of the diodes.  It's not the worlds best

>I know I can get a Buss type circuit breaker type that trips 
>,  But  could I find something similar that would auto reset . Most 
>times they will trip due to a surge Etc .
>Can I just by a  AC type Circuit Box and put in a 50 
>amp  AC   circuit Breaker and mount that box on the inside of the 4 Ft Rack ,

You can't use AC breakers on DC.  There's good technical reasons
I won't go into, but trust me - they just don't work right.

DC breakers are available from multiple sources.  One source is the
marine suppliers like West Marine.  Another is the RV dealers.  Or
if you have an airplane mechanic (an A&P) in your circle of friends
he may have a few ideas. Most of the smaller planes (Cessna,
Piper, etc) use 12v systems.

>Question 3 what is the simplest way for some type of Notification 
>When the Repeater has tripped over to Battery Power.

Get a 5 or 6 volt wall transformer.  Cut the connector off
and use a VOM to identify + and - leads.  Wire the + side
to an alarm input and the - side to ground.  As long as AC
is present the alarm input will be high. When AC goes
away you will get an alarm a few seconds later (as soon
as the filter caps in the wall transformer discharge).
If you want put an LED and a series resistor in place (about
100-200 ohms per volt) to tell you when the AC is there.

Then look in the book (or ask here) for the programming...

On power fail:
1) say "A C POWER FAIL AT (time)
2) change the courtesy beep to the morse letter F (or
something else you like).  This is designed to get the
users attention.

On power restoration:
1) say "A C POWER ON AT (time)
2) put the courtesy beep back to normal.

>Go easy on the answers and especially the comments And I don't want 
>to hear any Locals in My area talking about Me on the air I will be 
>listening Ha Ha
>Thanks Don KA9QJG

Let us know how it works out.


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