At 5/7/2008 11:17, you wrote:

>Paul Plack wrote:
> > I have a Kenwood TM-642 (with modules for 2m, 6m and 220) which was
> > obtained years ago for the purpose of setting up a remote base off a 440
> > repeater I had in Orlando FL. I realized when I looked at the schematic
> > that all the funtions of the radio which could be controlled from the
> > mic's keypad, including direct frequency entry, were sent to the radio
> > as DTMF while PTT was NOT active..
>I can confirm that the TM-732A also does this, if that helps anyone.
>I'm not sure that EVERY single function of the rig is possible, though.
>(For example, any function that REQUIRES the use of a front panel
>button, may not have an equivalent on the mic. But most did.)

That's usually the show-stopper.  The Alinco DR135/235/435s can be mostly 
controlled from the microphone buttons, but there is no way to change CTCSS 

At the moment I'm thinking about an interface for the Yaesu FT-8500, as 
everything can be controlled from the PCC interface, which is fully 
documented in the manual.

Bob NO6B

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