No, you're not off your rocker. :)

There already exist off-the-shelf commercial boxes that do what you are looking 

One is made by Omnitronics and is their IPR100. You'll 
need one at each end, and they are in the $1k range per box.

Raytheon also makes a similar product, the NXU-2A, Its reported to work very well. 
Not sure on pricing on it.

I too would like to find a simple open-source solution too. Don't need any 
fancy options, just transport 4-wire E&M point to point with good audio 
quality. The hardware to do IP linking is a lot cheaper than traditional UHF 
links these days.

Please share what you find.



--- In, "Ethercrash" <n4bwp...@...> wrote:
> My repeater group is considering building split-site 6m machine.  As an 
> inter-site link, I was thinking of using some sort of VOIP arrangement via 
> the internet.  I'm curious if anyone has tried something like this:
> My idea is to use a point-to-point, private link (i.e. not IRLP or Echo) to 
> pump audio and maybe even some signaling between sites.  The receive site 
> would consist of the receive radio, controller (most likely an Arcom), and a 
> PC to do the encoding/streaming.  The transmit site would consist of a PC to 
> decode the audio stream, a PL decoder for TX logic, and the TX radio.  The 
> basic premise would be to take audio from the RX (PL filtered), fed thru the 
> controller, mixed with link PL, and fed to the PC's audio input.  The PC then 
> streams the audio over the internet to the RX site PC, where it is decoded 
> and fed to the TX radio, which will be keyed by a PL decoder (provided the IP 
> encode/decode process hasn't mangled the PL).
> Whew... Now, question is: will it work?  Or more properly, has anyone made 
> this work?  I'm going to try it on a small scale just to prove concept, but 
> I'm curious if anyone has tried this already.  My intention is to use 
> something along the lines of Winamp with Shoutcast or Windows Media Encoder 
> to stream the audio.  I'd rather find a Linux-based CLI encoder if such an 
> animal exists.  I had thought about using IRLP nodes as endpoints, but IRLP 
> policy would preclude that.
> Thoughts? Encouragement? FTW is he THINKING?!?! ;)  I'd be interested in the 
> group's thoughts, and I'll report the results of my experiments.
> Thanks & 73,
> Brian, N4BWP

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