Thanks to you all for good advice. The project is to have a VHF receiver
(remote receiver), a UHF link transmitter, a UHF link receiver (at the
base repeater site), and probably a voter. All of this is in ham bands.
I am getting the idea that good choices for the radios would be MaxTrac,
Radius, or GM300 radios. These are available for about $200. I am
reluctant to include SpectraTAC because it seems to come in a bunch of
modules, and I don't understand which ones I would need, and I suspect
that when the pieces are ll included, it would be more expensive than
the other radios. 


a)      Are there specific radio models to avoid?
b)      Are there specific radio models that are particularly good for
my application (easy to interface, easy to program, good performance,
c)      Is there different specific Radio Service Software for each
model radio? Are these DOS programs that require a native DOS machine?
d)      I see some Midland VHF (71-3051B and 3032B) and UHF (71-5051B
and 5052B). How do these compare with the Motorola radios?

Your opinions and experience will be much appreciated. Thank you.


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