--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "Jeff DePolo" <j...@...> wrote:

> Their sample pattern when side-mounted on a tower shows 9 dBd forward gain
> and -2 dBd off the back away from the tower, again with all elements in a
> line.  That may be getting closer to being realistic.

Several years ago I ran a real-world test using our repeater as an RF source.  
I could remotely switch between a top-mounted DB224 in the omni configuration, 
and an Antenna Specialists ASP601, which is basically the same antenna made by 
another manufacturer.  The A/S antenna had it's dipoles directly mounted to one 
leg of the tower, which is about 15 in. between legs, and all in line.  It was 
mounted 40 ft. lower on a 180 ft. tower, so it will naturally show about, I 
think, 2db lower field strength at many miles away because it is lower.

Using the top antenna as 0db reference, I put on many miles and took numerous 
measurements at pretty much random locations at distances of 5-25 miles using 
my step attenuator. 

In the favored direction, the A/S showed 2-3db gain over the top antenna.  At 
90 degrees either side, it was down perhaps 2db.  Off the back it was 9-10db 

Was it scientific?  No.  Was it useful and interesting?  Yes. 

Laryn K8TVZ

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