That's the reason I asked. There's a major manufacturer making a pretty decent 1.2 GHz radio (Icom ID-1) that costs $1000, and it's obviously also (besides doing FM) a D-STAR rig, and that distinction is making it sell to those with $1000 to burn on a digital mode... but a 900 MHz FM Analog with no "hook" feature to pull people in, I think would sell dismally, and therefore would have to cost at least that much...

Nate WY0X

On 3/1/2010 3:53 PM, Chuck Kelsey wrote:

Problem is, they wouldn't sell that well. Most hams don't have interest in it. There are pockets of activity in the metro areas, but in most parts of
the country, 900 is empty. Heck, 6-meter ham mobiles have been around for
years, yet 6 FM activity is pretty dismal.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Nate Duehr" < <>>
To: < <>>
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] 900 meg Spectra radio

> On 2/27/2010 7:54 PM, Fuggitaboutit wrote:
>> Why cant someone just come up with a 900 meg fm mobile for amateur
>> use? They would sell a zillion of them .
> What would you pay for it?
> Nate WY0X

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