I have to agree, unless you need to Reminisce about the good old days
when men actually built the things they used, there are so many
inexpensive options for ctcss that actually work, very well.

There are a few Selectone units on ebay at about $2.00 and I am certain
members here could supply more than a few boards very cheaply that
actually work reliably.


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, kevin valentino
<kevinvalent...@...> wrote:
> Grab an old Standard HX300 or C734 etc. off ebay for practically
nothing(if you find one) the enc/dec board is a plug in w/wire leads,
very small, dip select, and rock solid. I have one kickin around with
the schematic if your interested. I have adapted these to many old crap
radios and they always work perfectly.  Just a suggestion :-)
> --- On Thu, 5/6/10, James ka2...@... wrote:
> From: James ka2...@...
> Subject: [Repeater-Builder] CTCSS Encoder/Decoder
> To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Thursday, May 6, 2010, 10:35 AM

> Hi Guys,
> We have been experimenting with building CTCSS Units using the 567
Tone Chip and good components, i.e. Caps, multi turn pots etc. The
stability is not good in my opinion. We will set it to 107.2 and the
next time you check it is off enough to where it won't decode until it
is re-tuned slightly. I am wondering what your experiences may have been
with this CTCSS Chip. Many articles say they work well with the addition
of a stable voltage regulator, so we added a five volt regulator, no
difference in stability. Any comments and experiences with this and
other chips would be appreciated. The availability of CTCSS Chips seems

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