I'm glad somebody brought this up.

I've got 2 of the DB212 antennas, without any phasing harness.

The tower that the repeater is going up on is 90', wide spaced triangular
tower (about 20' at the bottom & 8' at the top).

I'm just wondering if the work in building the harness, building the 
(the tower is not vertical, so I will have to 'make' a vertical support 
for them)
is really worth the effort for an additional element.

Seems I saw that with the 2 element configuration you only get about 2dB
out of it.

Doesn't seem like all the work is worth it.  The reduced coverage off 
the back of
the tower is not a concern.

Just thought I'd throw this up into the wind.


Tim  W5FN

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