Joonas Kylmälä wrote:
> I'm not talking about the method below the declarations, but instead
> about the code that is above the declarations:

Yes, I understood.
I'd seen your point the first time. And I made mine, although it seems
you're not willing to consider it. Anyway, if that's so important, and
if anybody else gives reasons for those lines to be moved on top of the
file, then I'll do a "v3" with those corrections.

> So it gives global i.e. public ipv6 address.
I think it was pretty clear from the context that I was referring to
IPv4. RepWifi doesn't even handle IPv6 at all.
After all, by the time IPv6 takes over, I really hope these hack will be
long gone, as it is only supposed to be a temporary solution to make
WiFi with external dongles work better.
So, for now, there's no need to make room for public IPs.

> We could check how the AOSP handles this problem when the wifi is
> properly integrated with the OS. This is not so much on topic but could
> get one started: <>.

That seems pretty interesting, indeed.
Though the real blocker still remains HAL and native C code.
I did go through a research on the Java code, back when I was trying to
figure out how the framework was handling WiFi, just to find out that
any interesting operation is done on native calls. So I knew that model
even before reading the link you provided.
I'm no C guy. Still I desperately wanted to improve the usability of
WiFi on Replicant. So I just went straight for what I *actually* could
do. The patch I submitted is the result of my *hard* work on the issue.
And it works. It is actual, working code.

But things can always be made better.
So, yes.. if you have enough knowledge, time, and will, to be put into
that thing, please go on! I think WiFi is one of the key features
Replicant should be focusing on, to be more appealing to users and
encourage them not to install proprietary firmwares.
As such, I think we desperately need people that know what they're doing
and take the time (we talk tens or hundreds of hours) to finally get
WiFi free and easy to use.

On my side, I currently lack both the knowledge and the time needed.
So I prefer to spend the little time, and the little knowledge I have
working on things I can solve for real. This is why I'm now going to be
working on extending RepWifi's features.

I did what I could. I sumbitted my patch. Now it's up to the maintainers
to decide whether to keep it or to bin it.

I'm still open to critics and suggestions, but while criticizing, please
keep in mind that I put actual work and time on what I did, and it's not
very pleasant to see people try to put my work down for the sake of it.

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