> why it was made nonfree, etc.

It was one of the Cyanogen OS monetization strategies.
Things like recommended apps and sponsored integrations.

> huge issue recently in the Dialer code

The reverse and forward lookups?
In all versions except for 13.0 branch, it was unrelated to Ambient.
In the 13.0 branch it was hooked into Ambient for extra tracking.
The feature still exists today in 17.1.
It is open source, no secrets.

Micay's original CyanogenMod builds was first to disable that in 2015?

DivestOS disabled it a little while later.
^ Dated 2017/11

For a while upstream had it sent over HTTP too!
Its been a while.

> Do you have more details on that?

It is downloaded during the compile from Maven.

Extract any Replicant 6.0 build.
enjarify on system/priv-app/Dialer/Dialer.apk
then run
java -jar jd-gui.jar Dialer-enjarify.jar
You'll see the com.cyanogen.ambient classes.
You can repeat this on Trebuchet and the others.

You can also directly download the library jar from here

> Do you have any infos or pointers on that anti-feature?

For what it is worth, the (non-ambient related) stats part are quite tame.

> really removed

My old script I linked, at least back then, did really remove it.

> repositories you patched

Likely just strings that I didn't bother removing.

> We didn't realize how bad the situation was until very recently.
> thinking of moving to AOSP again, and backporting the LineageOS

LineageOS is far more sane now then it was in the CyanogenMod days.
If you don't mind dealing with some little things here and there it is quite 
Lineage does a lot of work to make device support easy.

> we can't reuse the device support code

In that case if you are making your own device trees, basing on AOSP
might be a better option.

> collaborate with DivestOS

The more I've worked on this stuff, the more I learn how siloed it all is.
I am always available regardless if you want to discuss anything.
Don't hesitate to reach out to me.

> under the Apache2 license according to the pom, but it indeed
contains a class.jar without the corresponding source code. 

Yep, it lies.
I never found the corresponding source.


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