Em 29/11/2020 21:29, Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli escreveu:
> Silence could be a good candidate.
> […]
> The disadvantages is that you can miss the ability to decrypt an SMS
> if it arrives when silence is not the default application. I don't
> know the reason of that though.

I don't know if I have power to vote, neither I'm demanding this. That said, 
what I'm going to say is just a suggestion, but I'm also OK if you do decide to 
do otherwise.

My suggestion is not to implement Silence, unless all the following is met:

a) call blocker accepts any text as contact to block (so it doesn't give errors 
of invalid number);

b) call blocker accepts some kind of regular expression so that one could say 
“^+55479?9675.{2}66$” to block all numbers that start with “+55-47”, followed 
or not by a nine, by “9675”, then by a random set of two digits, ended by “66”;

Currently, Blacklist Blocker (true name: com.kaliturin.blacklist) does part of 
this, but it needs permission to be the default SMS app. Such permission would 
of course conflict with Silence's request.

Finally, as an example, the user would either have to opt for using encryption 
or not to be annoyed midnight by unsolicited messages/calls from someone that 
took per contact information from a random someone else who shared it without 
peer's consent, or some random financial institution wanting to call “Fred” 
while the phone number carrier officially changed owner to user “George” since 
2018, and whose organization is dumb enough so as not the remove that number 
from contacts list.

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