On Wed, 2 Dec 2020 19:06:47 +0200
belgin <belginsti...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> I forgot about
> packages/providers/ContactsProvider
> which needs a tag with the commit
> edec4c11c704e9908f1d4f915a4ec2e0eefe54fe
> for removing ambientsdk.
Thanks a lot.

I've made a slight modification which ends up with the same result:
I've tagged the following commit as cm-13-before-ambientsdk:
    01c7baf0 Query skype mime type when getting CALLABLE contacts
as it seems to be the one right before the Ambient SDK.

And then I reverted it, to end up with exactly the same tree than with

I've pushed it. But given that we're force pushing to the replicant-6.0
branch anyway, we can still do some modifications on that.

So feel free to suggest any modification / clarifications to the
commit message of the revert or suggest better way to do it.


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