On 04/29/2010 10:39 AM, Chris Withers wrote:
> Chris McDonough wrote:
>>> As far as I know this is unnecessary. It's not in the repoze.cluegun
>>> app, nor in the app I worked on at Jarn. Are there any problems when
>>> you remove it?
>> No idea. Withers, can you confirm?
> With the current setup, we end up doing both a .remove() in the
> subscriber and then a .close() in the transaction.
> At worst, one of those two needs to be done.
> So, at worst, zope.sqlalchemy should be configurable as to whether
> .close or .remove is called, but hopefully (pending confirmation from
> Michael Bayer) just a .close should be fine and the code in the template
> can just go away :-)

I need confirmation that removing it works, not that it should work.

- C
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