Hi Harv,

I'm a OLPC Volunteer, and work mainly with
eKindling<http://wiki.laptop.org/go/EKindling>in the Philippines and
also live here in Copenhagen, Denmark currently
since July last year!

Where are you based now, Harv?

Christoph' is right, I'm waiting for a single RPi unit on back-order here,
see what comes of it when I get my hands on one for testing. Yes, I also do
see RPi, Arduino, and Lego WeDo/Mindstorms as nice advanced add-ons and
would like to see some of these units reach our deployment schools in the
near future.

I think the main bulk of Sugar UI work is focusing around:
http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/GTK porting,
which got kicked off last year.

It will be interesting with the XO 3 given the choice of distro - what
Andriod GUI/launcher environment is going to be supported by OLPC,
developed? And what is going to make sense in the context of primary-age
school children.


On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 1:09 PM, Harv Stanic <h...@subsignal.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 2 Mar 2012 22:45:26 +0100
> Christoph Derndorfer <christoph.derndor...@gmail.com> wrote this:
> > Hi Harv,
> >
> > great to hear from you.
> >
> > Are you still based in Denmark? Because there's at least one student at
> > Aarhus University who's currently working on a PhD thesis which is
> > related to OLPC, plus in the past two other students did similar
> > research work there as well.
> Hi Christoph and others,
> I have left LEGO Education and Denmark last year which was a quite
> difficult decision, as it was a great place to work, but as you know big
> companies are run by marketing and not by research results.
> > Additionally Mitch (in CC) who supports an OLPC project in the
> > Philippines is currently working for the university in Copenhagen.
> > Seeing that he's currently looking into the Raspberry Pi module and how
> > it could potentially be used for education in the OLPC context I think
> > that your interest in GUI programming of robots could make for some good
> > discussions. :-)
> Oh yes. I think that Raspberry Pi is great and inexpensive solution as an
> "add on" for advanced classes - as in CS, as well as in robotics - however
> it depends on external peripherals so it is not "all-in-one" solution.
> What makes OLPC amazing is its screen and in its second incarnation
> its touch-screen. Ui should be discussed, but it was always a work in
> progress.
> One thing that I find great those days is "Ubuntu for Android" and an idea
> that OLPC and RaspPI would benefit greatly being a blend of both.
> But there, I think it would be useful to open a discussion and see which
> OS blend would suit the best for future incarnations of OLPC concepts.
> my best
> Harv

Mitchell Seaton
eKindling Technology Support
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