On Jan 3, 2008, at 1:38 PM, Scott Ferguson wrote:

> On Jan 3, 2008, at 10:25 AM, Chris Cheetham - Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> wrote:
>> A bit more info ...
>> In a native PHP deployment, I notice that the DB connection is closed
>> about the the same time the PHP request completes.  In the Quercus  
>> PHP
>> deployment, the same disconnect occurs anywhere from 30-50 secs of
>> idle time after the search is submitted.
> Right.  We'll need to disable connection pooling somehow.  Some PHP
> applications are assuming the connections are never pooled.

Perhaps as workaround until those PHP apps' assumptions were fixed?   
I'd not so easily forsake your pooling advantage.

The confirmation is much appreciated.  In the specific case of Drupal,  
I'll see if I can simply drop the table if it already exists.

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