On Jan 14, 2008, at 11:29 PM, Daniel López wrote:

> It sounds very interesting.
> On a side note, the link at the top of the page to the javadocs
> (ResinEmbed JavaDoc ->
> http://caucho.com/javadoc/com/caucho/resin/package.html) returns a  
> 404.

Thanks.  I've fixed the link.

ResinEmbed has some interesting features beyond generic embedding:

  * testing apis (can be used for templating, too)
  * bean (webbean) embedding
  * remoting servlets (hessian, burlap for now)

* Testing API:  The testing API in ResinEmbed is similar to the APIs  
we use internally for testing Resin.  Testing code can call HTTP  
requests directly using a resin.request() call.  An example might  
look like the following:

   ResinEmbed resin = new ResinEmbed();

   resin.addWebApp(new WebAppEmbed("/", "/home/qa/test1"));

   String result = resin.request("GET /test.php");


* Bean embedding.  You can add application beans to the ResinEmbed or  
WebAppEmbed objects with a BeanEmbed wrapper.  The web-app's servlets  
can grab the bean using webbeans injection, like @In or @Named.

An application might use the bean embedding to provide a service bean  
to its embedded Resin instance, e.g.

   ResinEmbed resin = new ResinEmbed();
   resin.addHttp(new HttpEmbed(8080));

   BeanEmbed bean = new BeanEmbed(myApplicationService);

   WebAppEmbed webApp = new WebAppEmbed("/admin", "/var/www/admin");


-- Scott

> S!
> D.
> Scott Ferguson escribió:
>> The new snapshot should fix the build issues people have been
>> having.  The previous one had only partially updated the configure
>> and make files.
>> It also includes a basic integration of Spring with Resin's
>> WebBeans.  The wiki has some details at http://wiki.caucho.com/ 
>> Spring.
>> Basically, you can set Resin as a parent BeanFactory of Spring's web-
>> app ApplicationContext.  If Spring can't find a bean in its own
>> context, it will ask Resin to see if the bean is configured in Resin.
>> http://caucho.com/resin/doc/resin-embedding.xtp has an overview of
>> the embedding API for Resin, which a number of people have asked
>> for.  The embedding API can be used for things like unit testing,
>> Maven integration and IDE integration.
>> -- Scott
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>> resin-interest@caucho.com
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> -- 
> -------------------------------------------
> Daniel Lopez Janariz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Web Services
> Centre for Information and Technology
> Balearic Islands University
> -------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> resin-interest mailing list
> resin-interest@caucho.com
> http://maillist.caucho.com/mailman/listinfo/resin-interest

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