On Feb 7, 2008, at 4:45 AM, Daniel López wrote:

> Hi all,
> Ever since I migrated from Resin 3.0 to 3.1 and watchdog process, I'm
> having different issues, that might be caused by my setup, but they  
> are
> not consistent, hence my question here.
> I have 6 different Resin instances in my app. server, that I use to
> distribute the different applications so maintenance in an instance  
> does
> not "bother" the applications in another instance. Up to 3.0, that  
> meant
> basically having different resin.conf files and pointing the startup
> script to the appropriate file, so far so good.
> However, since the upgrade to 3.1, it seems that when you start up the
> first instance, one watchdog process is created and then "handles" all
> the different instances. If you start a different instance, even if  
> you
> use a different port for the watchdog process, it "connects" to the
> already created process and is now being handled by THE ONE.
> It would not be a real problem if it worked fine, but sometimes I get
> messages when trying to stop/start an instance independently, that the
> instance is "already running", even if it is not as the port is not
> responding and the process can be confirmed being killed by the  
> console.
> Sometimes stopping an instance means killing its process, as they
> sometimes do not want to die on their own, but this used to work fine
> until 3.0.

I've filed two bugs on this: http://bugs.caucho.com/view.php?id=2410  
and http://bugs.caucho.com/view.php?id=2409

> The only solution in those cases seems to be killing all instances AND
> the watchdog process and start them all over again, which defeats the
> whole purpose of having separate instances.
> So my question would be... is there any configuration setting I can  
> use
> with 3.1 to have several instances totally independent, so I can
> start/stop/kill one of them without affecting the rest? Unfortunately,
> sharing ONE resin.conf file is not an option and using ONE instance is
> not an option as well.

That's the purpose of the watchdog-port.  The start/stop program needs  
a well-known port so it can tell the instance to shut down.  The old  
3.0 method used pid files to handle the same situation.

-- Scott

> For the moment, I'll "backgrade" all the instances to 3.0.X as the
> situation has become quite a pain.
> Thanks for any insight!
> D.
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