On Mar 9, 2008, at 4:12 PM, Stargazer wrote:

> Crucial for me right now anyway ;-)
> http://quercus.caucho.com/quercus-3.1/doc/quercus.xtp#php.ini
> The section under "JNDI DataSource ... WEB-INF/resin-web.xml" has
> malformed xml for the <database> tag.
> Any chance of a fuller example please?

I've just updated it.

Basically, the underlying database support in Quercus is JDBC.  So the  
only question is where the JDBC DataSource comes from.  Setting the  
<database> tag will force a specific, configured JDBC value to be used  
for all PHP calls, no matter what the parameters to the mysql_connect  

- Scott

> The problem is I'm trying to associate a MySQL Pligg db on a different
> server to the one resin 3.1.5 is running on. All my attempts to patch
> things by updating the relevant *.php files stil result in
> "localhost:3306" references in the error messages, when I really  
> want to
> use (and see) "foo.com:3306" there. Nothing I am doing seems to  
> prevent
> it from looking at localhost.
> The comment above the paragraph I mentioned seems strange too - it
> suggests a db config there will override anything in the php scripts,
> which is pretty much what I want. Does this really mean the params
> defined in the php scripts are irrelevant?
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