On Mar 12, 2008, at 6:23 AM, Eric Kreiser wrote:

I understand the security concerns at a certain level... but I would expect everyone running a web/app server to have it behind a firewall to protect/limit ip/port traffic.

True.  I've added a bug report as http://bugs.caucho.com/view.php?id=2517

-- Scott

Any chance of having it be an optional way to config the watchdog? by default bind to localhost... but have an option to bind a specific ip. maybe a optional <watchdog-host> ?

thanks for the consideration

Scott Ferguson wrote:

On Mar 11, 2008, at 6:27 AM, Eric Kreiser wrote:

I had found the <watchdog-port>... my issue with this is that when it binds to the IP, it binds to the main IP of the server... so if I have say 10 sites running on a machine, I would need to keep track of 10 unique port numbers to assign to each resin instance. In my case, each of the 10 resin instances are bound to different IP addresses on the server, so I would much prefer a way to specify that the watchdog port bind to the same IP the resin server is using for the sites themselves.

Hmm. It should be only binding to localhost. The idea being that the watchdog should only be accessible on the local machine for security reasons.

It would be possible to bind to an external port, but I'm not certain if that would really be providing enough benefit to offset the security issue.

-- Scott

Bill Au wrote:



I also want to run multiple independent instances on the same machine. Scott and company, I think it will be useful to include an example of that in the resin 3.1 documentation for the watchdog process. This is a big change from Resin 3.0 which took me a while to figure out.


On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 5:19 PM, Eric Kreiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there a way to specify what IP the watchdog-port will bind to?

I want to be able to have a number of sites/instances of resin running on a machine
I want all of them to run independent of each other

so to keep them independent, I need to specify a watchdog-port... but if I do... it binds to the main ip of the machine... so in my scenario, I would need to assign each resin instance a unique port number.

Is there a better way for me to handle this?

Eric Kreiser

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