Oh, I think you misunderstood.

In the production case I want to issue 2 cookies, one for domain.com and one for www.domain.com. I know this isn't technically required, but I'm curious if it is possible (without codding every entry point into the system to do it manually).


Scott Ferguson wrote:

On Mar 20, 2008, at 1:30 AM, Andrew Fritz wrote:

So, to combine the to suggestions, is it possible to configure resin to send 2 cookies via the cookie-domain tag in the web.xml file?

The conditional makes since at this point.

I'm not sure I understand.

The two cases are dev-mode vs deploy-mode.  So there's only one cookie, it's just different depending on what mode you're starting Resin with.

-- Scott

Scott Ferguson wrote:
On Mar 19, 2008, at 3:37 PM, Andrew Fritz wrote:

I need to set the cookie-domain differently depending on whether I'm
running local (for testing) or on our production servers. I haven't
found an documentation about how I might do do that.

Basically, if it is our production cluster I want a ".our.domain.com"
cookie domain. Right now the server issues "www.out.domain.com" or
"our.domain.com" - no leading period - based on how I get to the site,
which blows up if the users changes from www to non-www. If the server
is running on our test environment (like my laptop) I want a cookie
domain based on the request URL (default behavior).
You can use something like:

<resin:when test="${dev}">
   <session-config cookie-domain="dev.com"/>
   <session-config cookie-domain="domain.com"/>

Then use -Ddev=true when starting Resin.

-- Scott

Any suggestions. I do NOT want 2 config files.


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