On May 27, 2008, at 4:54 AM, Thilo Bangert wrote:

> Hi All,
> i am trying to get apache to dispatch requests to our resin backend.
> i have setup apache the following way:
> in global scope i have (yes, i do start apache with -D CAUCHO)
> <IfDefine CAUCHO>
>        LoadModule caucho_module modules/mod_caucho.so
>        ResinConfigServer localhost 6802
>        CauchoConfigCacheDirectory /tmp
>        CauchoStatus yes
>        <Location /caucho-status>
>          SetHandler caucho-status
>        </Location>
> </IfDefine>
> in the apache vhost config i have:
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>    DocumentRoot /home/assembly/mat123_xms/app/docs
>    ServerName app.xms.mat123.assembly.danskelearning.dk
>    ErrorLog /home/assembly/mat123_xms/log/error_log
>    CustomLog /home/assembly/mat123_xms/log/access_log common
>    ResinConfigServer 6802
> </VirtualHost>

You may need to add the CauchoStatus yes in the virtual host, since  
Apache creates a sub-scope.  To debug this, you really need /caucho- 
status working.

Also, mod_caucho needs write access to the /tmp directory.  The  
localhost_6802 file is very important in making the communication  
work, so if mod_caucho doesn't have write access, then you're likely  
to have the server get stuck.

-- Scott

> the resin.conf contains the following two sections
>   <host id="app.xms.mat123.assembly.danskelearning.dk">
>        <host-alias>app.xms.mat123.assembly</host-alias>
>        <web-app id="/"
> document-directory="/home/assembly/mat123_xms/app/docs"/>
>    </host>
> and
>    <cluster>
>      <srun server-id="" host="" port="6802"/>
>    </cluster>
> I can see that resin is listening on port 6802. and i receive the X  
> when
> connecting to the port using telnet. the resin server is working as  
> expected
> in standalone mode (using port 8080). The module is loaded into  
> apache, since
> when i start apache i see the following in my log
> [notice] Apache/2.2.8 (Unix) Resin/3.0.25 configured -- resuming  
> normal
> operations
> however connecting to http://localhost/caucho-status yields a 404  
> and the
> servlet mappings from my application are not served by resin.
> ie.
> http://app.xms.mat123.assembly.danskelearning.dk:8080/um/login/
> works fine but
> http://app.xms.mat123.assembly.danskelearning.dk/um/login/
> does not.
> i have tried to sniff traffic between apache and resin and it looks  
> like
> mod_caucho does not even connect to resin (i am not sure about that  
> however).
> when compiling mod_caucho with debug enabled i, among other things,  
> see this
> error on stdout:
> config.c:898 can't open config path '/tmp/localhost_6802' (errno=2)
> (That particular line is missing a \n in the code BTW)
> it seems to me, like mod_caucho and resin dont communicate with each  
> other. is
> there a way i can test the config that the resin server is  
> outputting on the
> srun port?
> i have also tried to get manual dispatching to work, but no luck so  
> far. i am
> a bit at a loss as what to try next, so any suggestions are more than
> welcome.
> thanks in advance.
> kind regards
> Thilo
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