I see the code sample is available here rather than in the distrib.
(or bottom of page http://hessian.caucho.com/comet/ )


On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 12:51 PM, Alexandre Vasseur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hi
> Is there a code sample available for Resin 3.2 or 3.1 for the Flex /
> Resin comet sample ?
> http://hessian.caucho.com/comet/
> I am trying to get it to work and I am having trouble likely on the
> mxml side where I end up with exceptions. I can't find this flex
> sample in the dist (only an ajax one in servlet-comet).
> I have also spotted that both in the doc and in Emil flex mag
> article, the AddString.java class is missing - and there seem to be
> some underlying magic between AddString.java and AddString.as
> http://blog.caucho.com/?p=35
> Also I believe both the article and the doc should describe that the
> server-push or comet hessian destination must be mapped as servlet
> mapping. This seems to be missing in both.
> FYI I am using this resin-web.xml
> <web-app xmlns="http://caucho.com/ns/resin";>
>  <servlet servlet-name="HessianCometServlet"
> servlet-class="example.HessianCometServlet"/>
>  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="server-push"
> servlet-name="HessianCometServlet"/>
> </web-app>
> thanks
> Alex
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