Thanks a lot

Scott Ferguson wrote:
> On Dec 7, 2008, at 3:23 PM, Riccardo Cohen wrote:
>> Hello
>> I'm currently using v3.2.0 and it is relatively stable, except for
>> certain non-critical points.
>> I'd like to know if there is planned date for a "stable" 3.2 ?
> May/June 2009 :-(
> We're tied to the release of the JavaEE 6 specifications, which won't  
> be final until JavaOne 2009.  And the  draft specs are changing  
> radically.   For example, WebBeans configuration has been totally  
> reworked (it's very nice.)  And the Servlet support for comet is  
> totally different from the early draft.
> So we already know there will be large changes in the APIs and  
> configuration files in the next few release.  (Based on those changes  
> and a bunch of our own, we're renaming 3.2 to 4.0, so people will be  
> less surprised by the scope of the changes.)
> The 4.0 (3.2) releases will be fully tested, but we just can't call it  
> "stable" while the APIs and configuration files are changing so much.
> -- Scott
>> Thanks
>> -- 
>> Riccardo Cohen
>> Architecte du Logiciel
>> +33 (0)
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Riccardo Cohen
Architecte du Logiciel
+33 (0)

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