2009/10/6 Scott Ferguson <f...@caucho.com>

> On Oct 5, 2009, at 12:12 PM, Steffen Busch wrote:
> > Hi,
> > is there any schedule for the 3.1.10 release of Resin?
> 3.1.10 is tricky because it's after 4.0.2, and we're taking extra time
> on 4.0.2 to make it a stable release.  (It will still be early access
> because of the specs, but any further changes should be minor.)
> Scott, do you already know about the 3.1.10 release date now, after 4.0.2
has been released some weeks ago?

>  >
> > Would it be possible to provide us with a more recent snapshot?
> > Especially, I am looking for the bugfix for #3220 (JSP Precompile
> > causes IOException and sometimes deadlock) which has been fixed on
> > 25th of August in 3.1.10 accordingly to Mantis Bug tracker.
> I can get a snapshot, though.
> > BTW: Any chance to fix #3436 also with 3.1.10 release?  Bug #3436 is
> > "findAncestorWithClass() does not return parent classic tag instance
> > within classic tag embedded in a tag file".
> > This is an older issue that has very bad side effects for us as all
> > other Servlet Containers our application is deployed (Tomcat,
> > Websphere, Weblogic, OC4J) handle this correctly.
> That one is a bit tricky.  The parent/child reported in the bug isn't
> a normal parent/child, because the child is a child of the .tag not
> just the body content of the original XML (which is what a normal
> ancestor means in JSP.)
> -- Scott
> >
> > -- Steffen
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