On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 07:48:04PM +0100, Michael Ludwig wrote:
> that worked.


> This seems to occur when I make a change to the username or password while
> the server (or watchdog, for that matter) is running. I assume it is meant
> to be read at startup and stay as it is.

Yup. That's right.

> >> What is now the syntax for passing username and password to command-line
> >> admin? Or am I misguided in that this is not meant to be used when you
> >> intend to use the command line?

The username and password aren't intended to come from the command line.
They are pulled from the configuration file by the Resin boot and passed
to the watchdog.

> It seems that start/stop/status etc via the command line doesn't have anything
> to do with admin authentication. But maybe the command line goes via the
> watchdog service, and that service gets confused when the config file changes?

The command line authentication uses the admin password to verify the
Resin boot is allowed to start or stop an instance. You don't really
need to know the password or enter it on the command line. It's
essentially using the password hash as a shared key.

> >> What is the syntax for the admin-users.xml file commented out in the
> >> example given above? Is it just the user element wrapped in any top-level
> >> element like <users>?

<resin:AdminAuthenticator xmlns="http://caucho.com/ns/resin";
  <user name="admin" password="yCGkvrQHY7K8qtlHsgJ6zg=="/>

Whenever you do a resin:import within an element, the top-level tag of
the imported file is the parent of the <resin:import>

Take care,

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