Rick Mann wrote:
> My 4.0.5 install is really very slow. It just won't stay running (although ps 
> shows many resin threads), and it's much, much slower than 3.0.23 was. I'm 
> actually running fewer webapps currently, and my server is always idle.
How are you measuring the "slower"? (ab? latency? startup? some 
particular page size?) If the server is idle, how is it slow?

Also, I'm not sure I understand you mean by "not-running" if there are 
Resin threads. Do the two JVMs exist? What do the logs show?
> Configuration is slightly different than it used to be, a necessity of 
> updating the config file(s), but I don't think it's radically different from 
> what I had.
> ps -axwwu | grep resin on redhat 7.2 (I know, it's old) gives me many lines 
> like this:
Hmm. If it's showing separate ps lines for each thread, that's very old. 
Some of those very old linux versions only partially implemented some of 
the system calls we use, like epoll(). (So the configure script would 
discover epoll(), but it didn't actually work as advertised.)
> root     20511  0.0  5.1 226964 26396 pts/2  S    10:54   0:00 
> /usr/java/bin/java -jar /usr/local/resin/lib/resin.jar -conf 
> /var/resin/resin.xml -log-directory /var/logs/resin -root-directory 
> /var/resin/root -J-verbosegc console
> root     20517  0.0  6.8 450916 35108 pts/2  S    10:54   0:00 
> /usr/local/java-versions/jdk1.6.0_07/bin/java -server 
> -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -Dresin.server=1 
> -Djava.util.logging.manager=com.caucho.log.LogManagerImpl 
> -Djava.system.class.loader=com.caucho.loader.SystemClassLoader 
> -Djavax.management.builder.initial=com.caucho.jmx.MBeanServerBuilderImpl 
> -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dresin.home=/usr/local/resin/ -Xss1m -Xmx256m 
> -verbosegc -verbosegc com.caucho.server.resin.Resin --root-directory 
> /var/resin/root -conf /var/resin/resin.xml -socketwait 34280 -log-directory 
> /var/logs/resin -root-directory /var/resin/root console
> I can't find where the -Xss1m and -Xmx256m are being set. According to the 
> admin manual, it should default to -Xss2m.
You can change that in the resin.xml with a <jvm-arg>-Xss1m</jvm-arg>.

-- Scott
> The verbose GC output seems reasonable. Every few seconds, a line like this. 
> I'm pretty sure my app(s) aren't leaking, since they've run for months before 
> under 3.0.23:
> [GC 41277K->35464K(63664K), 0.0226660 secs]
> Sigh.
> On Mar 18, 2010, at 00:47:39, Rick Mann wrote:
>> Hi. My new insatll of 4.0.5 is running very badly. My server is basically 
>> unloaded, except for the requests I make, but connections are constantly 
>> dropped. I was running 3.0.23 without any real problems before this. Also, I 
>> don't see anything in any of the logs when this happens.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks!
>> -- 
>> Rick
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