On 10/20/2010 1:13 PM, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> Aaron Freeman wrote:
>>    On 10/20/2010 12:39 PM, Scott Ferguson wrote:
>>> Aaron Freeman wrote:
>>>>     Bah I stumbled on this, but it doesn't appear to do what I was hoping:
>>>> <context-param>
>>>> <param-name>baz</param-name>
>>>> <param-value>value</param-value>
>>>> </context-param>
>>>> When I tried to reference that in a test.jsp like this, it is empty:
>>>> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"; prefix="c" %>
>>>> <html>
>>>> <p>-${applicationScope.baz}-</p>
>>>> </html>
>>>> Any other way to do this?
>>> Hmm. I'd forgotten that context-param is application.getInitParam.
>>> You can use ${initParam.baz} to get the context-param value.
>>> I can't remember any way to set the application attributes directly from
>>> the config file, although we could enhance resin:set to allow for
>>> var="#{application.bar}".
>>> -- Scott
>> A coworker stumbled upon ${initParam.baz} -- the only unfortunate thing
>> about that is, we are trying to do this:
>> <context-param baz="${varWePassedIn}"/>
> Can you try<servlet-allow-el/>  before that context-param? That should
> enable the EL evaluation.

That worked!  It's a good enough solution for us for now.  using 
${applicationScope} is better in the future though, if you do happen to 
extend the functionality of resin:set.

>> And when we dump ${initParam.baz} it renders literally as
>> "${varWePassedIn}" instead of the value of ${varWePassedIn}.
>> The resin:set solution sounds great.  Would this be more intuitive:
>> <resin:set var="bar" value="${passedInValue}" scope="application"/>
>> Where you reference a scope instead of have the #{application.bar} syntax?
> The problem is that resin:set doesn't actually know about web-apps
> because it's a generic high-level configuration tag.  The EL expression
> would work because resin:set can evaluate things in context, and the
> web-app context would know about the application scope.
Ah, that does make sense.

Thanks for getting us going,


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