On 03/25/2011 06:01 PM, Keith Fetterman wrote:
> I see documentation in resin 4 for the<log>  tag, but its not included
> in the reference list of tags.  I only see<log-handler>  and<logger>
> http://caucho.com/resin-4.0/reference.xtp
> Is this an oversight in the resin 4 documentation or is has this tag
> been replaced or discontinued?

It's discouraged. It still exists for backward compatibility.

You should be using the log-handler and logger.
> The<log>  tag had a "format" attribute, which I don't see listed in the
> <log-handler>  and<logger>  tags.
> http://caucho.com/resin-4.0/admin/logging.xtp#Format-String

I've just filed that as a doc issue. The "format" still exists in 

-- Scott

> What is the recommended way to add the format keywords to the Resin log
> messages?

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