On 09/15/2011 04:10 AM, Alan Wright wrote:
> Hi
> Migrating from resin 2 to resin 4.0.22
> I am trying to configure a load balancer in a web-tier cluster and 2
> apps in an app-tier as per docs for a single machine.
> For the init.d/resin startup is there a neat way to specify that I want
> all servers to start or do i just have to do:
> su $USER -c """$JAVA -jar $RESIN_HOME/lib/resin.jar $ARGS -server web-a
> start""" 1>>  $CONSOLE 2>>  $CONSOLE
> su $USER -c """$JAVA -jar $RESIN_HOME/lib/resin.jar $ARGS -server app-a
> start""" 1>>  $CONSOLE 2>>  $CONSOLE
> su $USER -c """$JAVA -jar $RESIN_HOME/lib/resin.jar $ARGS -server app-b
> start""" 1>>  $CONSOLE 2>>  $CONSOLE

This. You have to start each server individually.

> For shutdown I get an error that app-b failed to stop which may be to do
> with order of shutdown?

Shouldn't be. One the Resin stop begins, there's a thread that will 
force it to exit (for example if a servlet destroy call doesn't finish.)

> Is there a best practice order for startup/shutdown?
> eg start web-tier then app-tier  /  stop app-tier then web-tier

It doesn't matter from Resin's perspective.

 From the client's perspective, it's a choice between a 503 message (if 
web-tier is up and app-tier down) or connection failure (if web-tier is 
down.) I'd probably prefer the connection failure.

-- Scott
> Thanks for any suggestions
> regards
> Alan

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