On 2/6/13 10:09 AM, Sadhana Jain wrote:
Hello Resin Developers,

Could you please confirm if the ActiveMQ integration is supported and will work with Resin 4.0? I don't see any documentation on it and therefore am unable to figure out how to configure the jms queue in the resin-web.xml file. The old way (resin 3.x) of configuring it doesn't seem to work. Also, I am trying to find out how to get the sources for JMSQueue implementation so I can debug the issue myself. Could someone please help me?

I'll need to update the docs (and test with ActiveMQ). The example you gave used a very old draft of CDI (before it was called CDI.)

The injection annotation is @javax.inject.Inject.

Do you need JCA? (For example, for XA support.) If you don't, the non-JCA configuration would be simpler.

-- Scott

Thanks a lot,

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