On 24/02/2013 17:21, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> On 2/24/13 2:06 AM, c.whalley wrote:
>> On 24/02/2013 05:49, Dan Ziegelbein wrote:
>>> The reason you're getting NPE's is that your instances of APICommand are
>>> not themselves injected by the container (you are instantiating them in
>>> code somewhere...indicated by the fact that APICommand has a
>>> non-injected parameterized constructor).
>>> Dan
>> Hi Dan & thanks for this,
>> I looked more at this and realised I need to do as you say, and it seems
>> I need Webbeans and the @Component annotation, plus token
>> META-INF/web-beans.xml to mark it as so? If that's right, I'm now
>> struggling to even get the @Component to resolve - does the webbeans
>> package come with Resin or is it an external download?
> For Resin 4.0, it's CDI and all the names changed:
> the magic file in META-INF/beans.xml in a jar or WEB-INF/beans.xml for
> the WEB-INF/classes. The smallest content of that file "<beans/>".
> You don't need an annotation on the bean, but you can use something like
> @javax.inject.Singleton if you want it to be a single instance. The
> default behavior instantiates a new instance of your bean at each
> @Inject point.
> -- Scott
Umm ... I hope I read you right - I just added beans.xml to WEB-INF with 
just "<beans/>" as its content and that ut is still null.
I did change it slightly from the code I posted earlier to ensure it 
really is a bean, in case that was significant:

public class APICommand implements Serializable {
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
     private static final Logger log = 

     private EntityManagerFactory emf;

     private UserTransaction ut;
     private EntityManager em;
     private void update(User user) {
         try {
             em = emf.createEntityManager();

>> -- Carl Whalley
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