Hi Anthony, 

Are you using Spring with WildFly? If so, I have two examples on it: 

If you are using RESTEasy Spring as standalone, then RESTEasy has provided an 


Weinan Li

On Friday, February 7, 2014 at 3:41 AM, Anthony Whitford wrote:

> I have a project that is using RestEasy -- there were 23 resources.
> The project was using "resteasy.scan.resources=true" in the web.xml 
> (http://web.xml).
> Now, I added another resource. This time, we need Spring.
> So, I add the resteasy-spring dependency and update the web.xml 
> (http://web.xml), 
> according to the docs:
> http://docs.jboss.org/resteasy/docs/3.0.6.Final/userguide/html/RESTEasy_Spring_Integration.html
> Now, the boot fails because the "scan" can't coexist with Spring. No problem, 
> I can remove the scan.... But then my original 23 resources are not available.
> According to the documentation...
> > "RESTEasy will automatically scan for @Provider and JAX-RS resource 
> > annotations on your bean class and register them as JAS-RS resources."
> It would seem that I need to make the 23 resources Spring beans (Add a @Named 
> annotation, for example), or else manually list them in my web.xml 
> (http://web.xml) ("resteasy.resources"), or create an Application instance to 
> register them...
> Ugh... Why can't the RestEasy-Spring bootstrap automatically register the 
> resources annotated with @Path?
> Or... Why can't the SCAN coexist with Spring again?
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