Reply to:   RE: during retrospect rewind the tape...
Oops! That last paragraph was wrong. What I meant to say was...

>The reason it takes so long? My guess is that Retrospect is waiting
>the command that it sent to the tape drive (to REWIND) has completed
>before freeing up the machine for other tasks. 

Sorry folks,

Matthew Tevenan
Technical Support Specialist
Dantz Development Corporation

Matthew Tevenan wrote:
>         Reply to:   RE: during retrospect rewind the tape...
>Retrospect will now always rewind your tape when you quit the
>to (among other reasons) prevent problems writing an end of data marker.
>We were finding that with certain tape drives, if you told Retrospect
>earlier versions you could do this) not to rewind your tape on quit, it
>would not properly write an end of data marker, which would make it
>impossible to append data to the end of the tape.
>The reason it takes so long? My guess is that Retrospect is waiting
>the command that it sent to the tape drive (to erase) has completed
>before freeing up the machine for other tasks. 
>Matthew Tevenan
>Technical Support Specialist
>Dantz Development Corporation
>Lionel OSTROWSKI wrote:
>>When I quit retrospect, retrospect rewind the tape of my DAT backup
>>During this process, about 30-60 seconds, retrospect keep all mac 
>>processor time and does'nt permit to clic behind, even the finder... 
>>      I think that's a nice feature well thinking by Dantz, but I 
>>don't see the raison..
>>      Could you explain me the utilities of such feature ?
>>Many thanks :-)
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