Although I've had GREAT fortune with Retrospect through the years, I've recently run 
into a problem that has me stymied.

I've just begun upgrading several client computers from older CPUs to G4s.  While the 
rest of the 3 dozen systems on several scripted backups continue to perform normally, 
the G4 I started using as my desktop computer could not complete a backup without 
encountering a Type 519 error after about 60-80 MB has been copied to tape.  What 
makes this a little strange is that once the error has been encountered, I find that 
Open Transport is no longer working for either TCP/IP (the protocol in use for 
Retrospect) or AppleTalk.  The only remedy is to restart the system.

I've replicated this failure on an out-of-the-box G4 on which only a small suite of 
COTS (e.g., Office 98, Outlook 8.2.2) had been installed.  I tried using the 
Extensions Manager to select "Mac OS All" plus Retrospect Client, but the same failure 
occurred.  For lack of any other ideas, I tried changing the protocol to AppleTalk and 
"Voila!" the backups run to complete ... both systems.

I've read the Dantz Tech Note covering Type 519 errors, but nothing seems to apply.  
I'll proceed with some of the advice even though I can't think of why it should 
matter.  In the meantime I want to ask the list if this sounds like anything you've 
seen before or if you have anything to suggest based on the problem description.

To the best of my knowledge, all software is at an appropriate revision: Retrospect 
4.3 (server and clients) and Mac OS 9.0.4.  Since several G3s on the same physical 
network wire operate w/o a problem, I assume the network is physically sound.  If 
that's not a proper assumption, I can isolate the backup server and the clients to 
test them again using the TCP/IP protocol.

Thanks for any comments or suggestions.

Brooks Peters
NAVSEA - NSWC, CarderockDiv
Bethesda MD

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