prestomation wrote:
> I am currently demo'ing review board to interface with our Perforce
> server.
> I seems that using post-review with a command like the following:
> post-review --username=USERNAME --server=reviewboard 65428
> tries to access the api at a subfolder with the same name as the
> servers name itself, so in this case I get this...
> "Unable to access http://reviewboard/reviewboard/api/json/accounts/login/.
> The host path may be invalid"
> ...when it should be accessing http://reviewboard/api/json/accounts/login,
> right?
> Once I used rb-site to create a site with the same subfolder name,
> then it worked fine, but we don't necessarily want to do this.
> Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Try specifying the full address/url. e.g:

    post-review --server=http://reviewboard.myinternaldomain.prv


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