Everything looks fine except Anonymous User Mask and Anonymous User
I use LDAP authentication for Active Directory. In my situation to
login I must fill this two fields.

Anonymous User Mask        : usern...@windows.domain
Anonymous User Password : usernamePassword

On 9 Lip, 07:16, "gauri.khandekar" <gauri.khande...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's my values : (replaced actual with dummy names)
> Authentication Method         : LDAP
> Authentication Method         : ldap://xyz.something.com:port
> LDAP Base DN                   : ou=<xyz>,o=<something.com>
> LDAP Base DN                   : None (i.e i've left this field empty)
> E-Mail LDAP Attribute         : mail
> Use TLS for authentication   : unchecked  (i.e I am NOT using TLS)
> User Mask                          :
> uid=<myname.surname,ou=users,dc=in.something,dc=com (where my ldap
> mail a/c is myname.surn...@in.something.com)
> Anonymous User Mask        : None (i.e i've left this field empty)
> Anonymous User Password : None (i.e i've left this field empty)
> On Jul 8, 4:06 pm, Jan Koprowski <jan.koprow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Could You paste here example configuration (with faked data of
> > course) ? Maybe I can help.
> > In my company LDAP authentication works fine.
> > Greetings from Poland!
> > --
> > Jan
> > On Jul 8, 12:43 pm, "gauri.khandekar" <gauri.khande...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I am trying hard to set up LDAP Authentication for my ReviewBoard
> > > setup , but no luck as yet.
> > > I've got my  Sys Admin  to help me with LDAP settings, so I am pretty
> > > sure that there is nothing wrong with those
> > > Using RB versoin 1.0.8
> > > Using memcached,mod_python
> > > I've Installed python-ldap module
> > > After completing LDAP settings , I restart Apache and try to login
> > > with my  LDAP a/c
> > > The screen just says "Incorrect username or password"
> > > I have set the logging directory, but the reviewboard log file doesnt
> > > show anything else apart from these 2-3 lines :
> > > -------------------------------------
> > > 2010-07-08 14:57:02,858 - INFO - Logging to C:\reviewboard\logs
> > > \reviewboard.log with a minimum level of DEBUG
> > > 2010-07-08 14:57:02,858 - INFO - Log file for Review Board v1.0.8
> > > -------------------------------------
> > > I've  tried putting debug stmts on various python files , which I
> > > think are related to Authentication  ( backend.py, util.py ) but none
> > > of my  debug-stmts are getting logged (I've ensured that the the pyc
> > > file related to the changed files are updated)
> > > Please tell me :
> > > - Is there anything obvious that I am missing out ?
> > > - How can I get more detailed logs in the reviewboard.log file (is
> > > there any way to change the Debug Level ?)
> > > - Give me some hints , some functions-names, so that I can try to
> > > debug and understand what is stopping LDAP from working correclty.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Gauri- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

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