Anyone have any ideas on this one?  Would (|(uid=%s)(cn=%s)) do it
possibly?  I would think that would just make it find users with
either attribute which it's already doing.


On Jul 24, 12:42 am, Ian <> wrote:
> I'm using LDAP authentication with these settings which point at a Mac
> OS X Server Open Directory server.
> LDAP Server: ldap://
> LDAP Base DN: cn=users, dc=domain,dc=com
> E-Mail Domain:
> E-Mail LDAP Attribute: mail
> Use TLS for authentication: unchecked
> User Mask: (uid=%s)
> Anonymous User Mask:
> Anonymous User Password:
> I'm able to log into Review Board with both my "short" name (iana) and
> my "long" name (Ian Anderson), which are the same LDAP entry on the
> Open Directory server.  The only catch is that when I look at Site
> Administration -> Database -> Users, Review Board seems to think that
> "iana" and "Ian Anderson" are two different users.  Is there some way
> I can tell Review Board (maybe with the User Mask?) that the two are
> the same (i.e. the server maps both uid and cn to the login name)?
> Ian

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