On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 9:55 AM, Chris Baron <topher.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How would I let django evolutions do its thing ?

rb-site upgrade

Basically create a new 1.6 site with with 'rb-site install' using a new
database, dump the *old* database with 'mysqldump' (or whatever RDBMS you
use), DROP the *new* database with 'mysql', then CREATE the database again,
restore the *old* database to where the *new* DB was with 'mysql', run 'rb-site
upgrade' on the new site to upgrade the database. See what errors you get.
You could try not dropping the new DB, and restoring the old tables on top
of it, as long was the dump was done with '--add-drop-table'. I haven't
tried that, it might confuse Django, or it might save you loads of time
resolving missing tables.


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