
I've just upgraded RBTools to 0.5.4, and have a couple of questions:

1. When I tried to invoke post-review (yes, I still have to use that - see 
the second question as to "why") on a working copy which had some files 
renamed, it printed the following message:

One or more files in your changeset has history scheduled with commit. 
Please try again with '--svn-show-copies-as-adds=y/n'

However, post-review does not support this option:

$ post-review --svn-show-copies-as-adds=n
The "post-review" tool is deprecated in favor of the"rbt" suite of 
commands. post-review will go away in RBTools 0.6.x.
Usage: post-review [-pond] [-r review_id] [changenum]
post-review: error: no such option: --svn-show-copies-as-adds

2. As to using post-review instead of 'rbt post': in our set up, 
post-review works but 'rbt post' doesn't. The reason is that our SVN 
repository is configured in RB with file:// protocol, while developers 
access it using svn:// protocol. The reasons for this configuration is to 
reduce the load on the server (since RB is running on the same machine, why 
should it go over the network when it can access repository directly). This 
also allows RB to see the repository without a dedicated RB user.

With this set-up, post-review was able to match "svn://server/project" URL 
in the working copy to "file:///project" in the RB configuration. 'rbt 
post' is apparently not so smart when creating a new review request:

DEBUG:root:Error data: {u'stat': u'fail', u'repository': 
u'svn://server/project', u'err': {u'msg': u'The repository path specified 
is not in the list of known repositories', u'code': 206}}

Strangely, though, updating an existing review request 'rbt post -r XXX' 

Can the post-review's repository matching code be ported to 'rbt post'? Or 
alternatively, can RB be enhanced so that a repository could be matched by 
multiple paths?
BTW, Subversion repositories have a UUID - perhaps, RB could match based on 
UUID rather than on comparing the paths?


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