Hi Christian, 

Any pointers on this problem?


On Thursday, 21 May 2015 16:29:27 UTC+1, John McGowan wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to upgrade a RB instance that got to 1.6.16 to 2.0.15 on 
> another node (RH6.3 vs RH6.6). 
> I've the prereq packages on:
> # pip freeze
> Beaker==1.3.1
> cas==0.15
> cups==1.0
> cupshelpers==1.0
> decorator==3.0.1
> Django==1.6.11
> django-evolution==0.7.5
> django-haystack==2.3.1
> django-pipeline==1.3.27
> Djblets==0.6.28
> docutils==0.12
> ecdsa==0.13
> ethtool==0.6
> feedparser==5.2.0
> firstboot==1.110
> freeipa==2.0.0a0
> futures==2.2.0
> glusterfs-api==
> iniparse==0.3.1
> iotop==0.3.2
> ipapython==3.0.0
> iwlib==1.0
> kerberos==1.1
> lxml==2.2.3
> M2Crypto==0.20.2
> Magic-file-extensions==0.1
> Mako==0.3.4
> Markdown==2.4.1
> MarkupSafe==0.9.2
> matplotlib==
> mercurial==3.4
> mimeparse==0.1.3
> MySQL-python==1.2.5
> netaddr==0.7.5
> nose==0.10.4
> numpy==1.4.1
> p4python==2014.1.925900
> paramiko==1.15.2
> PIL==1.1.7
> Pillow==2.8.1
> pillowfight==0.2
> policycoreutils-default-encoding==0.1
> pycrypto==2.6.1
> pycurl==7.19.0
> Pygments==2.0.2
> pygpgme==0.1
> pyOpenSSL==0.10
> python-dateutil==1.5
> python-default-encoding==0.1
> python-dmidecode==3.10.13
> python-ldap==2.3.10
> python-meh==0.11
> python-memcached==1.54
> python-nss==0.13
> pytz===2010h
> pyxdg==0.18
> recaptcha-client==1.0.6
> ReviewBoard==2.0.15
> rhnlib==2.5.22
> rhsm==1.12.5
> scdate==1.9.60
> sckdump==2.0.5
> scservices==0.99.45
> scservices.dbus==0.99.45
> setools==1.0
> six==1.9.0
> slip==0.2.20
> slip.dbus==0.2.20
> slip.gtk==0.2.20
> smbc==1.0
> SSSDConfig==1.11.6
> suds==0.4.1
> urlgrabber==3.9.1
> virtinst==0.600.0
> Whoosh==2.7.0
> yum-metadata-parser==1.1.2
> D/B setup exactly as the old node with the same d/b|user|pass etc.
> Method:
> # rb-site install<path>
> Then going in and dropping the d/b and creating the empty d/b again (I've 
> tried it without dropping the newly created one as well).
> Taking the latest dump.sql from the old server and loading it into the new 
> d/b
> Taking the latest htdocs/media/uploaded content to the new server from old
> # rb-site upgrade <path>
> and getting these errors which I've seen mentioned around the web but 
> unsure how to correct and unsure how to read the evolve --hint to fix:
> Rebuilding directory structure
> Updating database. This may take a while.
> The log output below, including warnings and errors,
> can be ignored unless upgrade fails.
> ------------------ <begin log output> ------------------
> Creating tables ...
> There are unapplied evolutions for auth.
> There are unapplied evolutions for contenttypes.
> There are unapplied evolutions for accounts.
> There are unapplied evolutions for attachments.
> There are unapplied evolutions for changedescs.
> There are unapplied evolutions for diffviewer.
> There are unapplied evolutions for hostingsvcs.
> There are unapplied evolutions for reviews.
> There are unapplied evolutions for scmtools.
> There are unapplied evolutions for site.
> Project signature has changed - an evolution is required
> Installing custom SQL ...
> Installing indexes ...
> Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
> The stored evolutions do not completely resolve all model changes.
> Run `./manage.py evolve --hint` to see a suggestion for the changes 
> required.
> The following are the changes that could not be resolved:
> The application markup has been deleted
> In model scmtools.Repository:
>     Field 'hosting_account' has been added
>     Field 'extra_data' has been added
> CommandError: Your models contain changes that Django Evolution cannot 
> resolve automatically.
> # rb-site manage <path> list-evolutions
> Applied evolutions for 'sessions':
>     session_expire_date_db_index
> Applied evolutions for 'accounts':
>     is_private
> Applied evolutions for 'changedescs':
>     fields_changed_longtext
> Applied evolutions for 'diffviewer':
>     add_parent_diffs
>     filediff_filenames_1024_chars
>     diffset_basedir
>     filediff_status
> Applied evolutions for 'reviews':
>     change_descriptions
>     last_review_timestamp
>     shipit_count
>     default_reviewer_repositories
>     null_repository
>     localsite
>     group_incoming_request_count
>     group_invite_only
>     group_visible
>     default_reviewer_local_site
>     add_issues_to_comments
>     file_attachments
> Applied evolutions for 'scmtools':
>     bugzilla_url_charfield
>     repository_raw_file_url
>     repository_visible
>     repository_path_length_255
>     localsite
>     repository_access_control
>     group_site
>     repository_hosting_accounts
>     repository_extra_data_null
> Thanks in advance for any pointers in this.
> - John 

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