Todd Lipcon has posted comments on this change.

Change subject: KUDU-237 (part 2) - Add support for REINSERT in delta files

Patch Set 12:


Any chance you've looked at coverage of the new code paths? I suggested one 
test addition that I think will be helpful for verifying the 'non-disjoint 
histories' case which I'm not seeing a lot of coverage for.

Also would be great to loop some of the randomized/stress tests with this 
change (eg the mt-tablet-test delete/reinsert test)
File src/kudu/common/row_changelist.h:

Line 349
hmm, why remove these assertions? they've been quite useful in catching bugs in 
the past in the various stress tests where we'd accidentally end up 
mis-ordering deltas and get two DELETEs in a row

PS12, Line 309: updated
I guess this function is no longer meant to be update-specific, given you 
removed the DCHECK? update the comment? Perhaps there should still be a DCHECK 
that the type is update/reinsert?
File src/kudu/tablet/

Line 528: TEST_F(TestCompaction, TestDuplicatedGhostRowsMerging) {
I think it's worth extending this test or adding a new one which does something 
- create 10 rowsets, each with a disjoint history of insert/update/delete
- while there is more than one rowset, merge a random set of 3 rowsets
- once you've fully compacted down, verify the whole history is still there

This will trigger the case of interleaved histories that isn't necessarily 
triggered in the case you have here.
File src/kudu/tablet/

Line 90:       row_block_.reset(new RowBlock(iter_->schema(), num_in_block, 
hm, was this a bug?

Line 255: // Compares two duplicate rows.
At first before reading the code, I expected there was a precondition here that 
we've already processed/collapsed the REDO list such that redo_head on both 
rows is either a single DELETE or nullptr. but, looking at the code I see 
that's not the case.

Would be good to be explicit about that.

PS12, Line 256: 1 if left is more recent than right
this phrasing is a bit odd. Is it equivalent to say: Returns -1 if 'left' is 
less recent than 'right', 1 otherwise.

Since that's the normal way in which comparison functions are phrased?

Line 261:     DCHECK(right.redo_head != nullptr);
for the purposes of this DCHECK, seems like it's worth actually doing 
AdvanceToLastInList() here to make sure the _last_ REDO is a DELETE.

PS12, Line 284: 
              :   // In case the histories aren't disjoint it must be because 
one row was deleted in the
              :   // the same operation that inserted the other one, which was 
then mutated.
can you give the specific scenario here? iirc it's:

- row exists in DRS 1
- a single operation does 'DELETE row ; INSERT row ; UPDATE row'

so this results in DRS 1 with a REDO DELETE at the same time as the MRS (and 
its resulting flush) has a REDO UPDATE

PS12, Line 295: it'

PS12, Line 453:  The newest one will point to the oldest.
this sounds like you're talking about a pre-existing state, but really you are 
saying that we will set the newer one to point to the older one

Line 589:     // Copy previous versions recursively.
is this recursion inherently depth-limited by the number of input rowsets? want 
to make sure it doesn't risk a stack overflow

Line 667: void MergeUndoHistories(Mutation* left, Mutation* right, Mutation** 
head) {

Line 679:     MergeUndoHistories(left->next(), right, head);
doing this recursively seems dangerous, since it's bounded only by the number 
of mutations, and not by the number of input rowsets. The mutation history is 
user-controlled so seems like a plausible crash. I'd think this can be 
converted to an iterative algorithm.

PS12, Line 698: includive

Line 988:         // TODO(dralves) Make Reinserts set defaults on the dest row.
yea, this seems like a potentially serious issue. Mind filing a critical JIRA 
against 1.2 just so we don't lose track?
File src/kudu/tablet/compaction.h:

PS12, Line 167:  multiple versions
I think the term 'version' here is a bit confusing, because even without the 
delete/reinsert case, one might consider an updated row to have multiple 
"versions" when updated.

Mind switching to use another term, like 'histories' perhaps? or multiple 
lifetimes/lives? multiple existences?
File src/kudu/tablet/

Line 687: // Visitor which applies deletes to the selection vector.
we should rename this visitor to LivenessVisitor or DeleteReinsertVisitor or 
somesuch and update the docs accordingly

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Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ie1173b2bea721b376f2b6049be20f57307582c47
Gerrit-PatchSet: 12
Gerrit-Project: kudu
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: David Ribeiro Alves <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Alexey Serbin <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Kudu Jenkins
Gerrit-Reviewer: Mike Percy <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Tidy Bot
Gerrit-Reviewer: Todd Lipcon <>
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes

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