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(Updated July 7, 2017, 10:36 p.m.)

Review request for mesos, Anand Mazumdar, Alexander Rojas, Greg Mann, and Vinod 

Bugs: MESOS-7630

Repository: mesos


Added filtering to the '/slaves' endpoint.

Added query parameter support for 'slaves'
endpoint. We can use 'slave_id' to specify
which slave information to query. Thus it
looks like '/slaves?slave_id=[slave id]'

If not slave id is specified, it will return
information of all slaves, just like before

The structure for response is the same for both
specifying or not specifying slave id. Thus even
for request with slave id specified, the response
will still contain both fields 'slaves', 
'recovered_slaves' etc..

Diffs (updated)

  src/common/http.hpp b7e4a8adcbcaa3a962af795c67694a35161b6c1a 
  src/common/http.cpp fdb591eccf273260902f3f695cf431f72ee3d817 
  src/master/http.cpp 175a44ce7fb5be509453c25eaa9ec29f35adba3a 
  src/tests/master_tests.cpp c778c6c56d47c4033189912cebee6024be79106f 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/60581/diff/4/

Changes: https://reviews.apache.org/r/60581/diff/3-4/


Passed 'make check -j48'
Passed 'GTEST_FILTER="MasterTest.SlavesEndpointQuerySlave" make check -j48'
Passed 'GLOG_v=1 ./bin/mesos-tests.sh 
--gtest_filter="MasterTest.SlavesEndpointQuerySlave" --gtest_repeat=1000 


Quinn Leng

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